Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Administração <p>The Brazilian Journal of Research in Administration (RBPA) (ISSN: 2447-5149) is a scientific and electronic journal of the Green Group of Agroecology and Bees (GVAA), is published every six months and is intended for the dissemination of original technical-scientific articles and unpublished, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Submitted articles receive the opinion of volunteer Consultants and may or may not be accepted for publication by the Editorial Team. RBPA also accepts the submission of contributions in the form of a technical note or case study, as well as a letter to the Editor in the form of suggestions, comments and criticisms related to publications. The Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Administração started its activities in 2013 and currently its articles are indexed in Free! The Journal's web address is Reproduction of published articles is allowed, provided the source is cited.</p> pt-BR (Wellington Ferreira de Melo) Fri, 29 Mar 2024 08:06:37 -0300 OJS 60 A importância da logística para as organizações empresariais <p>Logistics is concerned with integrating the different sectors of business organizations. Its work consists of establishing partnerships with suppliers so that the business organization always has at its disposal the raw materials, inputs and products necessary for its internal processing and/or to directly meet the demands of its clientele. In this sense, we believe that the economic scenario currently triggered by the globalization process requires business organizations to be more competitive. This is the condition imposed for remaining in the market</p> José Ozildo dos Santos, Marcela de Almeida Costa, Jefferson Gismont Correia Andrade, Rossino Ramos de Almeida, Tayana Adélia Palmeira Gomes Nepomucena, José Pereira da Silva Filho, Nicolle Borba Maracaja Rodrigues Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 José Ozildo dos Santos, Marcela de Almeida Costa, Jefferson Gismont Correia Andrade, Rossino Ramos de Almeida, Tayana Adélia Palmeira Gomes Nepomucena, José Pereira da Silva Filho, Nicolle Borba Maracaja Rodrigues Gomes Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The city of Serra Branca (Paraíba) in perception of its residents <p>This is an exploratory study with a quantitative approach, which aimed to evaluate how the city of Serra Branca (Paraíba) presents itself in the perception of its residents. Defined by the interviewees as being a happy and festive city, without the stress of everyday urban life, Serra Branca has needs common to inland cities in the Brazilian Northeast, requiring greater action on the part of its rulers to achieve not only greater development but also to ensure that its population has a better quality of life. It was found that among those interviewed there was an understanding that the existence of more local jobs would also contribute to the improvement of these parameters. Through this research it was also found that the lack of water for human consumption is the biggest problem faced by the population of Serra Branca. It was found that existing neighborhoods have little infrastructure, the afforestation of the streets in the city of Serra Branca is regular, requiring greater attention from the local public authorities.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Katryne Dantara Pereira Santos, José Ozildo dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Katryne Dantara Pereira Santos, José Ozildo dos Santos Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Gestão e responsabilidade do IPSERB: Um estudo de caso sobre o Instituto de Previdência de Serra Branca-Paraíba <p>The present research was descriptive in nature and document type. In it, the documents of the collection of the Institute of Social Security of Serra Branca were used, in relation to the balance sheets and actuarial calculations, for the period from 2012 to 2016. The Social Security System is provided for in art. 40 of the Federal Constitution, has a contributory character, is the social security system of civil servants who hold effective positions of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities. It should be emphasized that federated entities are not obliged to maintain their own private pension schemes, being able to choose between having an own regime or linking to the general social security regime, or even migrating from one regime to the other, since the regime option Is a faculty that the legislation allows. In Serra Branca, the Personal Welfare Regime was instituted by Municipal Law No. 149, on August 25, 1993, when the municipality migrated from the General Pension Scheme to the Own Regime, assuming the pension of the municipal public employees occupying an effective position. The realization of the present research provided the understanding that, by setting a rate of employer social security contribution much lower than that considered necessary, the municipality of Serra Branca has been able to fulfill its obligations to the National Institute of Social Security, paying on time the payment of previous social security debts Existence of the Municipal Pension Institute. However, it is directly decapitalizing the Municipal Pension Fund, since it does not pass on to the social security authority the resources necessary for its capitalization, conditioning the activities of the said Institute to constant contributions.</p> David Bennet Souza da Costa Leão , José Ozildo dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 David Bennet Souza da Costa Leão , José Ozildo dos Santos Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0300 What the rates of access to microcredit at Banco do Empreendedor in Caçador, Santa Catarina reveal? <p>Este estudo analisa o acesso ao microcrédito do Banco do Empreendedor em Caçador/SC, considerando o contexto em que 49,6% dos novos negócios no Brasil surgiram devido à necessidade de empreender após a pandemia de Covid-19. Em outubro de 2022, Caçador apresentava 7.109 empresas ativas, sendo 85,19% microempresas, indicando a vitalidade dos pequenos negócios na região. O trabalho adota uma abordagem quali-quantitativa e pesquisa aplicada, utilizando dados do período de 2017 a 2021. Observa-se um crescimento na carteira de crédito, mas a inadimplência aumentou em 2021, destacando desafios financeiros enfrentados pelos empreendedores. A presença expressiva de empreendedores jovens e a participação feminina ressaltam a dinâmica diversificada do cenário empreendedor local. O estudo sugere a necessidade de estratégias para lidar com a inadimplência e destaca a importância contínua do Banco do Empreendedor no apoio ao desenvolvimento econômico local, propondo medidas para fortalecer a base empreendedora.</p> Leandro Hupalo, Vitor Luiz França Gonçalves Copyright (c) 2024 Leandro Hupalo, Vitor Luiz França Gonçalves Sat, 30 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The perception of the population in relation to the services provided by the psychosocial attention center in the municipality of Sumé, Paraíba State <p>This is an exploratory and quantitative research whose general objective was to evaluate the perception of the population in relation to the services provided by the Center for Psychosocial Care in the city of Sumé, State of Paraíba. The Psychosocial Care Centers are local health units that have a defined ascribed population, offering services and actions related to mental health. The data collected in the present research demonstrate that the Municipal Health Department needs to thoroughly review the nature of the services provided by the Psychosocial Care Center, to better qualify the professional team that carries out its functional activities, aiming to provide a better reception to the user, quality services and that have resolutiveness.</p> Andréia da Silva Oliveira, José Ozildo dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Andréia da Silva Oliveira, José Ozildo dos Santos Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0300 A psicologia organizacional e as interações entre o trabalho e a saúde mental: reflexões na contemporaneidade <p>As discussões psicológicas relacionadas a relação entre o trabalho e saúde mental representam<br>eixos investigativos centrais nas contextualizações societárias atuais, dado que permeiam múltiplas variáveis intricadas<br>aos processos do adormecimento físico-psíquico, das formativas de realização pessoal e profissional, atravessando a<br>historicidade sujeitava-coletiva de cada sujeito em suas proposições experienciais. Seguindo tais premissas, o presente<br>estudo discute, através dos pressupostos e contribuições dos aportes psicológicos-organizacionais, sobre as relações<br>entre o trabalho e a saúde mental defronte dos cenários expostos na contemporaneidade, visualizando os potenciais<br>aspectos e dinâmicas multifacetadas intricadas nos processos de realização e sofrimento psíquico nas elaborações<br>ocupacionais atuais. Para tanto, recorreu-se a metodologia de revisão narrativa como principal alternativa de operação<br>argumentativa-organizativa perante da construção integral deste trabalho científico, mantendo acima de tudo, uma<br>postura crítica, flexível e reflexiva perante das contingências estruturais e fomentações da díade trabalho-saúde mental.<br>Associado a isto, valeu-se das contribuições de artigos científicos, capítulos de livro e outras produções acadêmicas<br>relacionadas a temática proposta, seguindo três palavras-chave centrais, sendo elas: Psicologia Organizacional, Trabalho<br>e Saúde Mental, encontradas nas plataformas digitais do Google Acadêmico, Scielo e PePSIC. Sendo assim, exposto as<br>centralidades objetivadas nos eixos direcionais, seguem as demais proposições, discussões e reflexões acerca da<br>preeenre obra, buscando, sobretudo, a lapidação de compreensões e dinâmicas significativas ante das interações entre o<br>trabalho e as acepções em saúde mental, tendo como plano de fundo as esquemáticas contemporâneas.<br>Palavras-chave: Psicologia Organizacional. Trabalho. Saúde Mental. Contemporaneidade.</p> Marcos Vitor Costa Castelhano Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos Vitor Costa Castelhano Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Análise do comportamento da taxa selic durante a pandemia de Covid-19 <p>During the pandemic period, there was a slowdown in the economy, which led the government to adopt measures to facilitate credit in an attempt to heat up the domestic market, which was reflected in changes in interest rates. The objective of this article was to analyze the behavior of the Selic rate during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is a documentary research whose data was collected from the Central Bank of Brazil platform, from 2020 to 2024. It was concluded that the reduction in the Selic rate was an important measure to revive the economy in the initial period of the pandemic , especially during lockdown.</p> Bonifácio Benicio de Souza, Emiliane Januário, Aline Carla de Medeiros, Patricio Borges Maracaja Copyright (c) 2024 Bonifácio Benicio de Souza, Emiliane Januário, Aline Carla de Medeiros, Patricio Borges Maracajá Mon, 13 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Papéis e potencialidades executórias do psicólogo organizacional nos eixos contemporâneos: um recorte reflexivo-dialógico <p>O estudo em questão discute sobre papéis e as potencialidades executórias do psicólogo organizacional nas matrizes ocupacionais e laborais na contemporaneidade, tendo como plano de fundo os carácteres dialógicos-reflexivos, pautando-se nas consolidações, caminhos emergentes e os principais obstáculos metodológicos profissionais que englobam tal área psicológica.</p> <p>Para isso, operou-se a metodologia de revisão narrativa como principal ferramenta direcional em pesquisa bibliográfica, conservando as suas competências discursivas, estruturais e de planejamento nas edificações de produções científicas. Em tal contexto, valeu-se de artigos científicos, obras especializadas e outras produções acadêmicas ligadas a temática aqui abordada, sendo geralmente encontradas nas bases digitais do Google Acadêmico e Scielo.</p> <p><strong>Palavras-chave: </strong>Psicólogo Organizacional. Papéis Profissionais. Contemporaneidade</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Marcos Vitor Costa Castelhano, Rayssa Jamille Meneses Cavalcanti Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos Vitor Costa Castelhano, Rayssa Jamille Meneses Cavalcanti Fri, 24 May 2024 00:00:00 -0300