Cardiologia: eficácia dos dispositivos de monitoramento remoto na redução de reinternações por insuficiência cardíaca em pacientes idosos




The present article addressed the efficacy of remote monitoring devices in managing heart failure, focusing on reducing hospital readmissions and improving clinical outcomes in elderly patients. In this context, remote monitoring has emerged as a promising technology, allowing continuous and real-time monitoring of cardiac parameters, which can transform the traditional approach to managing these diseases. Based on this, the study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of remote monitoring devices in reducing these readmissions by analyzing the clinical benefits and the economic and operational impacts of this technology. The methodology adopted was a literature review that included the selection of studies published in recognized academic databases. The inclusion criteria covered studies investigating the clinical efficacy of remote monitoring devices as well as their economic implications. The analysis focused on devices such as blood pressure monitors, portable ECGs, bioimpedance scales, and pulse oximeters. The results obtained indicated that remote monitoring devices contributed to reducing readmission rates in patients with heart failure. Studies demonstrated that the use of these devices allowed early detection of decompensations, enabling rapid and personalized interventions. Additionally, an improvement in clinical outcomes was observed, including more effective symptom control, a reduction in adverse events, and improved cardiac function. In economic terms, the reduction in hospitalizations resulted in savings for health systems, highlighting the cost-effectiveness of this approach.


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How to Cite

Saraiva , M. L. S., Oliveira, G. F., Anselmo , N. C., Borges , S. J., & Brito , I. N. (2024). Cardiologia: eficácia dos dispositivos de monitoramento remoto na redução de reinternações por insuficiência cardíaca em pacientes idosos. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 14(3), 556–563.




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