Extracts of Ocimum campechianum for the control of Ascia monuste orseis caterpillars
responses on preference and development
Cabbage looper, Bioactivity, Feeding preference, Bioinsecticide, Chicken basilAbstract
Ascia monuste orseis Godart, stands out as a pest insect in brassica crops. Among control strategies, the use of pesticides is the most common, however, continuous and indiscriminate use poses problems for the environment and human health. Botanical insecticides are a promising alternative. Thisvstudy investigated the stimulus-response of the hydroalcoholic crude extract of Ocimum campechianum Mill. (Lamiaceae) and its dichloromethane (DCM) fraction on the toxicity, feeding preference, and development of A. monuste orseis caterpillars. Toxicity, feeding preference (choice and no-choice tests), and development of the caterpillars to the adult stage were evaluated. In the development and feeding preference tests, sublethal concentrations were used based on the toxicity test: 10.00 and 2.50 mg mL-1 for the "crude extract" and its "DCM fraction," respectively. Eight replicates with five caterpillars each were used. It was observed that the crude extract and the DCM fraction of O. campechianum were toxic and reduced the feeding of three-day-old caterpillars (days after hatching), with LC50 values of 52.95 and 20.90 mg mL-1, respectively. However, they did not affect the insects development. Therefore, the crude extract and its DCM fraction from O. campechianum show potential for alternative control of A. monuste orseis caterpillars.
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