Risks in the work environment and types of accidents with beekeepers in the city of Aparecida, Paraíba, Brazil
Beekeeping, Workplace safety, Risks in facilities, Frequent accidentsAbstract
The objective of this study was to characterize the risks in the apiaries' facilities, identifying the most frequent accidents with Apis mellifera breeders in the city of Aparecida, Paraíba. The research period was from August to September 2017, with interviews and application of a semi-structured questionnaire with the producers, observing the following parameters: distance from the apiary to inhabited places, arrangement of the soil where the hives are located, time of accomplishment the existence of warning signs, where the processes of deopulation and centrifugation are carried out, knowledge about the degree of sensitivity to the poison, level of training for beekeeping practices, accidents occurring since the beginning of the activity and where care was given . The statistical analysis was descriptive, expressed in quantity and percentage through tables and graphs. It can be observed that beekeepers have a good knowledge about work safety with bees, with facilities of apiaries following technical guidelines. It was also found that beekeepers are well trained for breeding practices and that the most frequent accidents were stinging and intoxication.Downloads
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