Use of biogas for energy efficiency in agroindustry and farming


  • Rossino Ramos de Almeida Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Patrício Borges Maracaja Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Daniel Casimiro da Silveira Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Aline Carla de Medeiros Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • José Pereira da Silva Filho Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Adryele Gomes Maia Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Rubilene Agra da Silva Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Rosilene Agra da Silva
  • Sângela Maria Pereira dos Santo Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Alan Del Carlos Gomes Chaves Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB


The development of techniques, bioprocesses, and sustainable practices, such as energy generation through biofuels, is among the most emphasized approaches in contemporary research. An integrated perspective is adopted, focusing on solutions and adaptations that preserve natural resources related to energy for food production. In this context, considering the importance of renewable energy to meet the energy needs of enterprises while presenting economic and environmental viability, a positivist view emerges regarding the generation of bioenergy from anaerobic digestion. This technology holds economic interest due to the high costs associated with purchasing cooking gas, which is a common substitute for wood-burning stoves—an alternative that negatively impacts the environment through wood extraction. Rural biodigesters produce biogas and biofertilizers, often exceeding the needs of enterprises for these products. This process not only ensures environmentally viable management but also guarantees a significant social impact. The proposal titled "System for the Production of Biogas and Biofertilizers in Agro-industrial Enterprises" aims to implement a biodigester system in agro-industrial ventures, focusing on the production of biogas for the cogeneration of electrical or thermal energy, as well as biofertilizers for agricultural production in rural communities..


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How to Cite

Almeida, R. R. de, Maracaja, P. B., Silveira , D. C. da, Medeiros, A. C. de, Silva Filho , J. P. da, Maia, A. G., Silva, R. A. da, Silva, R. A. da, Santo, S. M. P. dos, & Chaves, A. D. C. G. (2024). Use of biogas for energy efficiency in agroindustry and farming. Informativo Técnico Do Semiárido, 18(1), 52–72. Retrieved from


