
  • Eduarda Morais da Silva
  • Eliezio Nascimento Barboza Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará
  • Andriely Tiburtino Leite Chaves
  • Vitoria Regia Ferreira Sales de Melo
  • Gilvania Pereira da Costa
  • José de Carlos Batista Faculdade Luciano Feijão
  • Annelyse Esequiel de Lucena Neves
  • Dalieva Lopes Alves
  • Walace Ruan Nobre Pereira
  • Leonardo de Sousa Alves


The current world scenario highlights the problem of water scarcity, and alternatives are being studied to meet this need, such as the reuse and alternative of water reuse. Given this context, the general objective of the study was to bring to light the problem of water scarcity in large urban centers, where the increasing demand tends to supplant the supply and has been a great reason for alert. As an alternative for the economy of the input is its reuse and alternatives that can save the same in the NZWB concept that we will encourage during the project. With this proposal, the study methodology was based on a bibliographic review, through descriptive and exploratory analysis, with secondary data, whose main data collection instrument were books and scientific articles, complemented with a study of the NZWB concept. In the specific case of this study, two scenarios were developed: one with a traditional building and another with Água Net Zero Ideal building, providing for the supply of rainwater, rainwater supply, drinking water supply, non-potable water supply, as well as as well as gray water flush, black water flush and reusable water. Therefore, at the end of the study it can be said that the results were achieved and that the NZWB concept can provide several benefits, not only for society, but also for the environment.


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Author Biography

Eliezio Nascimento Barboza, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará

Graduando em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará - IFCE, Campus Juazeiro do Norte. Monitor da disciplina de Física Geral II (2019) e (2020). É membro representante do Programa Crea Jr - Núcleo Cariri e do Grupo de Pesquisa em Estudos Ambientais - GEA/Laboratório de Estudo Ecológicos - LEECO, atuando no Projeto de Pesquisa intitulado como: Identificação das Ilhas de Calor da Região Metropolitana do Cariri e projeto de extensão Horta: Sentir e vivenciar. Possui curso técnico em Desenho de Construção Civil (2017) e experiência na área de Engenharia Ambiental, atuando nas seguintes áreas: Construção Civil, Planejamento Urbano e Ambiental, Geoprocessamento, Sensoriamento Remoto, Climatologia, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Análises Ambientais a partir de software livre Qgis.



How to Cite

Morais da Silva, E., Barboza, E. N., Tiburtino Leite Chaves, A., Ferreira Sales de Melo, V. R., Pereira da Costa, G., Batista, J. de C., Esequiel de Lucena Neves, A., Lopes Alves, D., Nobre Pereira, W. R., & de Sousa Alves, L. (2023). PROJETO RESIDENCIAL BASEADO NO CONCEITO DE NET ZERO WATER BUILDING. Informativo Técnico Do Semiárido, 17(1), 512–531. Retrieved from


