Substrates in Morinda citrifolia staces rooting


  • Marcus Vinicius Sandoval Paixão Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa
  • Caroline Merlo Meneghelli Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa
  • Lorena Merlo Meneghelli Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa
  • Leidiane Zinger Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa
  • Gleides Pulcheira Paixão Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa



Morinda citrifolia, Vegetative propagation, Cutting


The noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) belongs to the Rubiaceae family, growing extensively among the Pacific islands, being considered one of the most significant traditional medicine plants of these communities. Its introduction occurred only a few years ago, and because of this, there is still not enough propagating material for cultivation on a commercial scale, but in the last decades there has been a significant increase in commercial interest in relation to the products containing this plant, mainly the juice of noni fruits. The objective of this study was to evaluate different substrates in the rooting of noni cuttings. The experiment was conducted at the seedling nursery at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo. Beech cuttings were harvested in 20 cm long noni adult plants and placed in 290 mL tubing on substrates: soil, sand, bioplant® and vermiculite. The design was completely randomized, with five replications of twelve stakes, being evaluated after 120 days the variables: survival of the stakes; number of leaves; collecting diameter; root length; volume of roots; root green mass; green leaves; dry mass root and dry mass leaves. The soil substrate showed to be superior to the other substrates, being recommended the early transplant of noni cuttings rooted in tubes.


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Author Biographies

Marcus Vinicius Sandoval Paixão, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa

Professor PhD. de fruticultura e propagação de plantas, Dep Agronomia.

Caroline Merlo Meneghelli, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa

Mestranda da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, departamento de produção vegetal

Lorena Merlo Meneghelli, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa

Graduanda de agronomia do IFES, departamento de agronomia

Leidiane Zinger, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa

Graduada em agronomia do IFES, departamento de agronomia

Gleides Pulcheira Paixão, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Santa Teresa

Professora DSc. de Plantas Medicinais, departamento de agronomia


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How to Cite

PAIXÃO, M. V. S.; MENEGHELLI, C. M.; MENEGHELLI, L. M.; ZINGER, L.; PAIXÃO, G. P. Substrates in Morinda citrifolia staces rooting. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 4, p. 824–827, 2017. DOI: 10.18378/rvads.v12i4.4815. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.

