Chemical, physical and microbiological characteristics of agroforestry systems at different successional stages in Brasília, Brazil
Management, Nutrient cycling, Ecosystem servicesAbstract
Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) are agricultural production systems that act close to the dynamics of nature. The objective of this research was to evaluate physical and microbiological properties of SAF's soils in three successional stages and in a control area (pasture), a requirement in Brasília, Distrito Federal. The history of the area was elaborated from information collected in an interview. Particles (pH, MO, C, N, C: N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Al), physical (granulometry) and microbiological (easily extractable glomalin) analyzes were performed. Data were visible from multivariate and univariate analysis. Plant agrobiodiversity was 19 species in the established SAF, 11 in the SAF in formation, 5 in the initial SAF and 2 in the pasture. The established and in-formation SAFs had the greatest progressive increase of C, MO, K and Ca. The greater the successional stage, the greater the degree of aggregation and the distribution of aggregates. The soils of all SAFs and pasture dissip the glomalin, being its highest concentration in the SAFs. It is concluded that the longer the management time, the greater will be the differences in the specific, physical and microbiological characteristics of the soil. The temporal evolution of systems favors greater availability of nutrients, increased biological activity and aggregation capacity, consequently increases an organic layer of the soil, retaining more carbon in the system, generating ecosystem services and contributing to the attenuation of harmful effects of agricultural processes in the soil and in the ecosystem.
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