Soil fertility evaluantion in the irrigated perimeter of São Gonçalo/PB


  • Izabela Maria Formiga da Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia da Paraíba, Sousa - PB
  • Hermano Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia da Paraíba
  • Mario Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia da Paraíba
  • Karine Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciências e Tecnologia da Paraíba


Agriculture, perennial culture, pasture.


Soil is essential for agricultural production, but it can have low fertility due to several factors, such as inadequate management. In areas such as pastures, animal trampling can cause soil wear, leading to definitive loss of fertility. In perennial crops, management techniques, such as irrigation, are essential, especially in semi-arid regions such as the irrigated perimeter of São Gonçalo. It is important to carry out chemical analyzes of the soil to ensure its quality. Thus, the objective of the work was to evaluate soil fertility in the irrigated perimeter of São Gonçalo/PB. The pH, phosphorus and potassium analyzes were carried out at the IFPB Soil, Water and Plant Laboratory. The pH of the perennial crop was slightly alkaline (8.0) in the first two layers, while the pH was lower in the pasture (6.5). Foscofo analyzes indicated that perennial crops presented higher values ​​than pasture, which was 899 mg dm-3 in the first layer compared to pasture, which was only 122 mg dm-3. Potassium assessments were slightly similar to pasture (0.61) and perennial crops (0.54). Therefore, perennial crop soils have chemical parameters that suggest greater fertility compared to pasture in the irrigated perimeter region of São Gonçalo.


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How to Cite

Silva, I. M. F. da, Rolim, H., Veras, M., & Carvalho, K. (2024). Soil fertility evaluantion in the irrigated perimeter of São Gonçalo/PB. Caderno Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 13(3), e–10641. Retrieved from