Effective Control of Phorid Flies to Prevent Damage in Melipona Production

Effective Control of Phorid Flies


  • Arthur Queiroga Meneses Oliveira Faculdade Rebouças




Phorid flies, belonging to the Phoridae family, are small insects commonly found in environments rich in decaying organic matter. Among the various species within this group, Apocephalus spp. is particularly noted for its ability to parasitize bees, including stingless bees of the Melipona genus. These flies lay their eggs within bee nests, where the larvae hatch and begin feeding on essential resources such as honey, pollen, and, in more severe cases, the bee larvae themselves. Parasitism by phorid flies can cause significant damage to Melipona colonies, leading to a decrease in the population of worker bees, a reduction in honey production, and, in severe infestations, the complete collapse of the colony.

To mitigate the impacts of these parasitic flies, farmers can adopt several practices that are both economically viable and sustainable. Regular maintenance of hygiene around the apiaries is crucial, preventing the accumulation of organic matter that attracts the flies. Additionally, the installation of physical barriers, such as fine mesh screens at the nest entrances, can prevent the flies from accessing the nests. The use of simple traps made from PET bottles, baited with attractants such as fermented fruits, can help capture adult flies, thereby reducing their population. Biological methods, such as promoting the presence of natural predators like insectivorous birds, also contribute to the natural control of these flies. Moreover, the use of essential oils, such as neem oil, can serve as a natural repellent around the nests, deterring flies without harming the bees. These strategies, when integrated and adapted to local conditions, provide an effective and affordable means of protecting Melipona bees against the threat of phorid flies, ensuring the continuity of honey production and the health of the colonies.



How to Cite

Queiroga Meneses Oliveira, A. (2024). Effective Control of Phorid Flies to Prevent Damage in Melipona Production: Effective Control of Phorid Flies. Caderno Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 13(2), 06–06. Retrieved from https://gvaa.com.br/revista/index.php/CVADS/article/view/10900