Acidentes anafiláticos em cães e gatos: Papel do sistema imunológico frente a picadas de abelhas


  • Lara Santos de souza Faculdade Rebouças de Campina grande
  • Carlos Andrey Duarte Da Silva Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Maria Clara Ouriques Nascimento Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Maria Luiza dos Santos Neta Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Rebeca Martins Pinto Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Thyago Araújo Gurjão Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Larissa Silva Nelo Oliveira Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Francisco de Assys Romero da Mota Sousa
  • Nágela Maria Henrique Mascarenhas Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande


Acidentes anafiláticos, Sistema imunológico, Picadas de abelha, Reação alérgica, Cães e gatos


Accidents caused by insects of the order Hymenoptera occur frequently in humans and domestic animals, however they are rarely reported in the literature. In Brazil, they mainly include diseases involving bees (Apis mellifera). These accidents are of medical and veterinary importance because, in individuals of this species, there is a venom inoculating apparatus, which is derived from a modified ovipositor, which has attached poisonous glands. The venom can generate both an allergic reaction due to type I hypersensitivity, and clinical toxicity in cases of multiple stings. The immune system can detect several proteins in bee venom as antigens. A dog may not react immediately to the bite the first time, but its immunity begins to produce antibodies against these antigens. Inflammation at the site of the bite is generally the initial response of the immune system, where the site of the bite receives cells such as mast cells and neutrophils that release inflammatory substances, such as histamine. When the venom is injected through a bee sting, it causes an intense inflammatory response that can affect many parts of the animal's body, causing symptoms such as burning, itching, erythema and edema in the affected region. anaphylaxis. The spread of Apis mellifera bees, also known as "Africanized" bees, in Brazil, results in a significant number of accidents with domestic animals, due to the aggressive behavior to protect the nest, often found in human environments. The history of exposure to bees and symptoms determine the diagnosis, which is usually clinical. In some situations, laboratory tests may be necessary to assess the intensity of the reaction, in addition to excluding possible other conditions. Treatment is emergency and targeted at the clinical symptoms presented by the animal. The use of antihistamines and corticosteroids can be used to reduce inflammation and the allergic response to bee venom, while fluid therapy and respiratory support can be used to assist with dehydration, shock and dyspnea. In this context, it is important to highlight that accidents with bee stings in dogs and cats can be serious and even lethal, requiring a quick diagnosis with emergency treatment, aiming to control the allergic reaction.


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How to Cite

Santos de souza, L., Andrey Duarte Da Silva, C., Ouriques Nascimento , M. C., Luiza dos Santos Neta , M., Martins Pinto, R., Araújo Gurjão, T., Silva Nelo Oliveira , L., de Assys Romero da Mota Sousa, F., & Maria Henrique Mascarenhas, N. (2024). Acidentes anafiláticos em cães e gatos: Papel do sistema imunológico frente a picadas de abelhas. Caderno Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 13(2), 14–14. Retrieved from

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