AÇAI TREE DRILL, Euterpe oleracea, SEMIOCHEMICALS.Abstract
Açaí palm (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) is considered the most important species of the genus Euterpe, among the ten recorded in Brazil and the seven that occur in the Amazon. Due to the growth in the commercialization of açaí, there was also an increase in planted area, favouring a higher incidence of pests that directly harms the development and production of the crop. This is the case of the curculionid Ozopherus muricatus Pascoe, 1872, an endemic insect from the Amazon region, which found in this palm tree the ideal host for its development, becoming a pest with potential to cause great losses, if established in açaí plantations. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an important tool for controlling this insect, as there is no insecticide or any other method described for its control. In view of the above, this research aimed at isolating and identifying the pheromone of O. muricatus, as well as evaluating its efficiency in the laboratory, aiming at control, within the context of IPM. The pheromone study was performed with the extraction of volatiles from faecal excreta, and analysed by gas chromatography, gas chromatography coupled to electroantennography and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The tests with the volatiles obtained were performed by means of the olfactometer and GC/EAG to determine the attraction or repulsion of the insect. Among the volatile compounds obtained from faecal droppings, 7 compounds were attractive to O. muricatus males, these compounds were identified. These results demonstrate that faecal excrement extracts are attractive to O. muricatus males and that these compounds may be involved in the communication between insects of the açaí crop.Downloads
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