BINARY MISTURE, DILLAPIOLE, (E)-NEROLIDOL, Tetranychus urticaeAbstract
Tetranychus urticae mite is a polyphagous and cosmopolitan agricultural pest that causes damage to small, medium and large farmers.Their control is mainly carried out with synthetic insecticides that are often associated with soil and food residues. As the alternative method of control, essential oils (EOs) have been widely investigated for low soil persistence and mammalian toxicity. Aiming to enhance the acaricidal action of EOs, the present study aims to evaluate the action of the mixture of EOs of Piper aduncum and Melaleuca leucadendra leaves in a 1:1 ratio. The P. aduncum and M. leucadendra oils were extractedby hydrodistillation technique, and by GC-MS analysis revealed as major constituents dilapiol (75.14%) and (E)-nerolidol (94.27%), respectively. Residual contact bioassay was used to evaluate an acaricidal activity. Three leaf disks of Canavalia ensiformes were immersed (30s) in solutions of different concentrations of the OEs and the mixture, and placed in the Petri dish. Ten female mites were transferred to each leaf disc. After 24h, the number of dead mites was recorded and the lethal concetrations mean (LC50) were calculated. The OEs and their binary mixture (LC50 = 14.65 µL/mL) were toxic to T. urticae. Among the oils tested, M. leucadendra (LC50 = 7.83 µL/mL) was about 2 times more toxic than P. aduncum oil (LC50 = 18.76 µL/mL). Comparing whit the positive control (Azamax®), the M. leucadendra oil was about 3 times more toxic, the mixture M. leucadendra/P. aduncum (1:1) was about 2 times more toxic and P. aduncum oil showed similar toxicity. Thus, P. aduncum, M. leucadendra and their binary mixtures are promising as botanical acaricides.References
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