Yarrowia lipolytica yeast use for the production of biomass and lipid


  • Aline da Silva Delabio Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura/CENA/USP
  • Juliana Angelo Pires Faculdade de Tecnologia Dep. "Roque Trevisan"- Fatec Piracicaba
  • Márcia Nalesso Costa Harder Faculdade de Tecnologia Dep. "Roque Trevisan" - Fatec Piracicaba
  • Regina Teresa Rosim Monteiro Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura- CENA/USP
  • Valter Arthur Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura- CENA/USP




Biomass, biodiesel, lipids, Yarrowia lipolytica, yeast.


Fuels from renewable energy are gaining space in a landscape where the unbridled use of fossil fuels endangers the world's energy future. Thus biofuels are possible substitutes for fossil fuels. The use of yeast in lipid synthesis is presented as an alternative since the lipids produced can serve as raw material for production of biodiesel. This study was conducted in order to assess the feasibility of production of lipid by Yarrowia lipolytica and a subsequent application as biodiesel. Yeasts of Yarrowia lipolytica were maintained in liquid medium, Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose, and inoculated into medium containing agro-industrial waste (molasses and vinasse) and other available waste (urban runoff). After inoculation the medium was incubated without agitation for a period of 7; 14 and 21 days. Three bottles every seven days were taken for quantification of lipids. The length greater oil production occurred after 21 days of incubation, while greater biomass production occurred 14 days of incubation. The production of lipids was less than reported in the literature but production can be increased with the appropriate study of each nutrient composition of the culture medium. The study was conducted in laboratory scale values probably biomass and lipids are major industrial scale.


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Author Biographies

Aline da Silva Delabio, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura/CENA/USP

Laboratório de Radiobiologia e Ambiente. Área: Energia Nuclear na Agricultura e no Ambiente

Márcia Nalesso Costa Harder, Faculdade de Tecnologia Dep. "Roque Trevisan" - Fatec Piracicaba

Prof. Drª Coordenadora do curso de Tecnologia em Alimentos na Fatec/Piracicaba

Regina Teresa Rosim Monteiro, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura- CENA/USP

Prof. Drª do Laboratório de Ecologia Aplicada- CENA/USP

Valter Arthur, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura- CENA/USP

Prof. Dr. no Laboratório de Radiobiologia e Ambiente- CENA/USP



How to Cite

DELABIO, A. da S.; PIRES, J. A.; HARDER, M. N. C.; MONTEIRO, R. T. R.; ARTHUR, V. Yarrowia lipolytica yeast use for the production of biomass and lipid. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 243–246, 2015. DOI: 10.18378/rvads.v10i1.3134. Disponível em: https://gvaa.com.br/revista/index.php/RVADS/article/view/3134. Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.




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