Production of lettuce and flower alelí of cutting in monoculture and intercrooping under organic fertilization conditions
Agroecology, Polycultures, Plant nutritionAbstract
The objectives were to evaluate the effect of two types of fertilizers on the biological and economic yields of lettuce and on the quality of the stem in flower alelí and to establish the Equivalent Land relationship of monocultures and polycultures of lettuce and flower alelí for cut flowers, respectively. For this, a factorial experiment was carried out with two factors: system with three plantation levels: monoculture of lettuce, monoculture of flower alelí and polyculture of both species and type of fertilizer with three levels: composted chicken litter, granulated chemical fertilizer and control. The evaluated variables did not show interaction between the plantation systems and the type of fertilizer. In lettuce with composted chicken manure, the economic yield was 5.70 kg.m-2 and the biological yield was 0.218 kg.m-2, significantly higher than the treatments with inorganic fertilizer (4.55 kg.m-2 - 0.206 kg.m-2) and the control (2.94 kg.m-2 - 0.164 kg.m-2). Similar results found in the crops association. In flower alelí, the incorporation of chicken manure to the soil allowed to obtain floral stems 30.8% and 20.4% longer than the control and the chemical fertilizer, respectively. In all the cases, the total land equivalent ratio -RETT- was greater than 1, which indicates an advantage of polyculture in relation to monoculture. The inorganic fertilization had a RETT of 1.21, higher than the rest of the treatments.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Víctor José Milicia, Cristian Javier López, Javier Ítalo Pezzi, Karina Alejandra Montiel, María Fabiana Rodríguez, Marcelo Ramón Lovisolo

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