The Tick and its Meaning in the Productive Scope of Goat Farming inthe Northeast

The Tick and its Meaning in the Productive Scope of Goat Farming inthe Northeast


  • Yasmin Hosana Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Josinaldo Pereira da Silva Junior


blood, control, resources.


The tick, a parasitic insect present throughout the Brazilian Northeast, represents a serious challenge to the productivity of goat farming in the region. Its presence causes a lot of damage to animals, directly impacting their quality of life and milk and meat production. The main problem lies in the transmission of diseases, such as bovine sadness, babesiosis and anaplasmosis, which can lead to the death of goats. Furthermore, ticks cause anemia, weight loss, a drop in milk production and a devaluation of meat. Tick ​​control requires strategic and integrated measures, ranging from cleaning pastures and appropriate animal management to the use of chemical and biological combat methods. Choosing the ideal method depends on several factors, such as the species of tick predominant in the region, the history of use of chemical products on the property and the availability of financial resources. It is essential to highlight the importance of training goat farmers to properly manage animals and implement tick control measures. Technical support from specialized professionals is also crucial to the success of actions to combat this parasite. As a form of investment in tick control, goat farmers in the Northeast can guarantee the health and well-being of their animals, increase goat farming productivity and contribute to the sustainable development of the region.



How to Cite

Hosana, Y., & Silva Junior, J. P. da. (2024). The Tick and its Meaning in the Productive Scope of Goat Farming inthe Northeast: The Tick and its Meaning in the Productive Scope of Goat Farming inthe Northeast. Caderno Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 13(1), 01–01. Retrieved from

