the position of bees in the imagination of the honey capital


  • Vitor Hugo Teixeira Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Dimas de Assis da Costa Teixeira
  • Vinícius de Souza Teixeira


information mediation, sustainable development, caatinga, beekeeping, honey capital


Since the first edition of the Honey Festival, the production, commercialization and export of this food has been increasing, through engagement between the government and civil society in São José dos Cordeiros-PB, which contributes to the socioeconomic development of the municipality. Given this context, it is worth reflecting on the importance of bees, through pollination, for the maintenance of life on the planet. Considering, therefore, the urgency of measures in all areas for the promotion of a sustainable future, the following questions arose: What actions have been developed by the government to promote sustainable development based on beekeeping undertaken in São José dos Cordeiros? How important are bees in the imagination of the local population? Based on the above, the research establishes the following research problem: What information mediation strategies can be outlined to promote sustainable development based on the processes involving beekeeping in São José dos Cordeiros-PB? Thus, the general objective was defined as: To discuss the potential of information mediation as a strategy for promoting sustainable beekeeping in the municipality of São José dos Cordeiros-PB. Methodologically, the research has an applied nature and a qualitative approach, being descriptive in terms of objectives. Data collection procedures include bibliographic research and field study, through interviews with the population. The results indicate that the intertwining of information mediation and sustainable development offers a fundamental contribution to the implementation of strategies that promote community awareness and involvement, as well as the responsibility of the different spheres of public power so that beekeeping can effectively and broaden its influence in maintaining biodiversity.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, V. H., da Costa Teixeira, D. de A., & de Souza Teixeira, V. (2024). INFORMATION MEDIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE CAATINGA: the position of bees in the imagination of the honey capital. Caderno Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 13(2), 30–30. Retrieved from