Um Uso do Mel em Formulações Farmacêuticas: Desafios e Perspectivas


  • Samuel Ventura Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Francisco de Assys Romero da Mota Sousa Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Thyago Araújo Gurjão Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande
  • Mateus Lenner Faculdade Rebouças de Campina Grande


formulações farmacêuticas; biotecnologias; propriedades; compostos ativos.


Honey, traditionally known for its properties, has been widely studied in recent decades as a promising a promising component in pharmaceutical formulations. Its effectiveness in treatment of wounds, burns and tissue regeneration has been gaining especially in natural products aimed at healing injuries. El-Kased et al. (2017) explored the application of honey-based hydrogels, showing promising results in both in vitro studies and in vitro studies and in vivo evaluations for the healing of burns. burns. The study highlighted that honey, due to its properties, is effective in accelerating the healing process. healing process. Martinotti and Ranzato (2018) complement these findings, highlighting the potential of honey in regenerative medicine and wound repair. They point out that the use of honey in advanced biotechnologies, such as biomaterials, may represent a viable alternative to conventional treatments, offering natural solutions to complex clinical problems. Furthermore, Minden-Birkenmaier and Bowlin (2018) investigate the role of honey as a bioactive in tissue engineering, suggesting that the incorporation of honey into molds for tissue for tissue regeneration can promote healing and cell reconstruction in biomedical engineering applications. On the other hand, Rashidi et al. (2016) evaluated the topical mixture of honey, royal jelly, olive oil and propolis in diabetic rats, showing that this combination diabetic rats, showing that this combination significantly accelerates wound healing and wound healing, opening up new perspectives for the treatment of chronic chronic wounds in specific conditions. Although honey shows great potential in pharmaceutical formulations, the standardization of its active compounds and the regulation of its use still significant challenges. This review highlights the need for to ensure the safety and efficacy of these formulations in the clinical field. clinical field. In addition, the development of new technologies can help to maximize the therapeutic properties of honey, making it an increasingly viable option for human health. option for human health.



EL-KASED, R. F. et al. Honey-based hydrogel: In vitro and comparative In vivo evaluation for burn wound healing. Scientific reports, v. 7, n. 1, p. 1–11, 2017.

MARTINOTTI, S.; RANZATO, E. Honey, wound repair and regenerative medicine. Journal of functional biomaterials, v. 9, n. 2, p. 34, 2018.

MINDEN-BIRKENMAIER, B. A.; BOWLIN, G. L. Honey-based templates in wound healing and tissue engineering. Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland), v. 5, n. 2, p. 46, 2018.

RASHIDI, M. K.; MIRAZI, N.; HOSSEINI, A. Effect of topical mixture of honey, royal jelly and olive oil-propolis extract on skin wound healing in diabetic rats. Wound medicine, v. 12, p. 6–9, 2016.



How to Cite

Ventura, S., Romero da Mota Sousa, F. de A., Araújo Gurjão, T., & Lenner, M. (2024). Um Uso do Mel em Formulações Farmacêuticas: Desafios e Perspectivas. Caderno Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 13(2), 02. Retrieved from