The present study aimed to evaluate the behavior of Rhipicephalus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) larvae against various attractive and/or repellent stimuli. The larvae of this species exhibit ambush behavior, remaining in an advantage place in the environment in order to finding the host. The experiments were performed in a Y-olfactometer and eleven tests were carried out, using a total of 70 larvae in each test. Four tests were performed with the olfactometer positioned horizontally: 1) environmental air x environmental air; 2) synthetic air x environmental air; 3) CO2 x environmental air; 4) CO2 x synthetic air; and seven tests with the olfactometer positioned vertically: 1) environmental air x environmental air; 2) synthetic air x environmental air; 3) CO2 x environmental air; 4) CO2 x synthetic air; 5) synthetic air + DEET (repellent) x environmental air + solvent; 6) CO2 + DEET x environmental air + solvent; 7) CO2 + (E)-2-octenal (repellent) x environmental air + solvent. With the olfactometer positioned horizontally the larvae were not activated in any of the tests. Already when the olfactometer was positioned vertically, there was a strong activation in the presence of CO2, that is, it was observed non-directional displacement of larvae greater than that observed for the control with air; in the presence of DEET or (E)-2-octenal there was activation, however lower than that observed in the presence of CO2 alone. In no test was observed attraction or repellency behavior, as the larvae did not choose either arm of the olfactometer. The present study proved that the repellency of R. microplus larvae exposed to different stimuli can be tested by appropriate methodology, according to the search behavior of the host. The Y-olfactometer when positioned vertically in the presence of CO2 was efficient to access the activation behavior of this tick and the interference of repellent stimuli was observed in this activation.Downloads
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