CALLING BEHAVIOR OF Spodoptera albula Walker, 1857 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Studies on the reproductive behavior of Spodoptera albula are scarce in Brazil. Facing this problem, the present work aimed to analyze the behavior and the calling time of females of this specie. S. albula caterpillars were collected in the 2018/19 crop, in soybean crop, located in the municipality of Sapezal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The rearing was established on artificial diet and controlled conditions of temperature (25±2ºC), relative humidity (70±10%) and photoperiod (12L: 12E), at the Entomology Laboratory, Mato Grosso State University, Campus Tangará of Serra. To analyze the calling, female pupae were individualized in Petri dishes coated with filter paper and capped with clear plastic containers (300 ml). Emerged moths were fed 10% aqueous honey solution. The behavior was examined for five days, every 5 minutes of the scotophase (dark phase), with the aid of a flashlight wrapped with 6 layers of red cellophane paper. It was found that in the first hours of scotophase, females remained at rest. Between the 9th and 12th hour of the dark phase, there was exposure of the pheromone gland, with the females standing or circling the container with slow fluttering wings and constant antenation. The 11th hour was considered the most sex activity, since 54% of females were in the calling position. On all evaluation days, S. albula exposed the intersegmental membrane (gland) in the terminal part of the abdomen. Therefore, it is concluded that understanding the period of S. albula calling is essential for the continuity of bioassays directed to the extraction, isolation, identification and synthesis of its sexpheromone, since it is essential to formulate alternative and safe management tools for this lepidopteran pest.Downloads
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