Certification of apicultural production in the municipality of São José da Lagoa Tapada, Paraiba, Brazil
Beekeeping, Semi-arid, Commercialization, Family incomeAbstract
Beekeeping is an activity that transcends the economic dimension. Having a strong social appeal for being practiced within the scope of family production, for demanding low investments for the maintenance and expansion of production and for its environmental effects. Being relevant to the discussion of the implementation and implementation of the Municipal Inspection Service - SIM as a mechanism used by the Municipality for issuing a certification attesting the adequacy of enterprises and products to sanitary standards, proving the observance of quality and hygiene in their productive processes. The purpose of the research consist to realize a study about the importance of honey certification for the strengthening of beekeeping and propose a suggestion of a bill authorizing the constitution of the Municipal Inspection Service (SIM) in the municipality of São José da Lagoa Tapada – PB, describing the formal and material procedures for its creation by the federated entity, municipality, with the purpose of issuing certification. Data collection was carried out through the application of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, applied directly to the Associates of Beekeepers Associations of São José da Lagoa Tapada - PROMEL, being configured in an exploratory, qualitative and bibliographical research , whose data were analyzed from the critical dialectical method. After the analysis, it was concluded that the regulation, through the certification of the SIM of the production and marketing of honey, impacts on the sustainable development of this activity, generating growth, increasing employability and expanding the consumer market, of fundamental importance for beekeepers and other agricultural producers in the municipality surveyed.
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