Contributions to the construction of women's collective identity in beekeeping
Beekeeping, Associated Work, GenreAbstract
Beekeeping is an activity that transcends the economic dimension. It has a strong social appeal because its practice occurs in the context of family production, for demanding low investments for the maintenance and expansion of production and for its environmental effects. Despite the growth of research aimed at clarifying the importance of sustainability in the activity of bee keeping, gaps are noticeable; among them is the need to analyze the promotion of social and sustainable development through the inclusion of women in associative practices for beekeepers and about their contributions to women's collective identity in beekeeping. The objective of this study is to analyze the importance of the associative apiculture facing the challenges of sustainability in the development of collective spaces observing the insertion of women in Paraiba Federation of Beekeepers – FEPAM. Data were collected through critical documentary research in the documents provided by FEPAM, as well as bibliographic research, whose data were analyzed using content analysis methods and historical - dialectical materialism. After the analysis, it concluded that the data obtained with the present research reveal the inexistence, invisibility and in some cases, the presence and irrelevant participation of women in the studied Associations and, mainly, in FEPAM in view of their relevant social and political importance at the state level.
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