The importance of adding attractive aroma to food stimulus in bees
Food shortages, Nutrition, Protein, AttractiveAbstract
The scarcity of food for bees can negatively influence the productivity of the hive, the posture by the queen and swarming, thus requiring the direct intervention of the beekeeper/beekeeper, in the use of artificial food, which meets the nutritional deficiencies and guarantees the maintenance of these. In this way, the need to produce food with a good aroma is highlighted to be used at any time of the year by breeders and that this is collected in quantity by bees. This need leads to the search for new alternatives in the hope of finding a solution to this problem. The attractiveness factor must be considered in the artificial feeding of bees in order to promote a better acceptance of the food. When evaluating various types of essences for stimulation, a greater acceptance of specific essences can be observed, obtaining better results of acceptance of protein supply that alone would not be so much demand, thus the inclusion of a good protein base throughout the period, may improve the frequency of visitation of bees and consequently improve the quality of the honey itself.
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