Palabras clave:
P. interpunctella is an important pest of stored grain and seeds. Most studies are focused on the use of insecticides. Its pheromone is (Z, E) -9,12-tetradecadien-1-ol acetate, identified in 1980. Its behaviour is poorly studied, especially the preference for certain modern cereal genotypes. The objective of this work was to observe the oviposition behaviour on grains of the following genotypes: organic maize Sobrália-MG, Bt maize- BM709, maize hybrid AG-1051 and Sorghum bicolor- BRS330. The bioassays were conducted in the laboratory and the creation of the insects in BOD with 12: 12 L: D photoperiod, temperature from 28 ± 2° C, 60% relative humidity. For the bioassay separated 60 pregnant females were placed in a medium-size cage with approximately 10 grains of the genotypes descripted above in small petri dish separated from each other, for 5 days in the BOD. The eggs present on the grains were counted separately with the aid of a small brush humidified with water, for visualizing the eggs, a magnifying glass was used and the grains were placed separately on a black paper. The results were as followed: maize hybrid AG-1051 (38 eggs), Bt-maize BM709 (31 eggs), organic maize Sobrália-MG (9.0 eggs), S. bicolor Brs330 (39 eggs). This insect attacks the Bt-maize plants in the field and in the silos. It is important to study other forms of control, such as volatiles of the plants themselves in the stage of tooth formation (Reproduction five) to physiological maturity (Reproduction six). Agroecological agriculture promotes balance between crops. The results demonstrate that the low preference for the organic genotype in oviposition is an indicator of the truth of the trophobiosis theory. BT-plants are insecticides. There are still few studies on environmental and human health impacts related to the consumption of derivatives of these genotypes.Citas
Fangneng Huang, Bhadriraju Subramanyam Effects of delayed mating on reproductive performance of Plodia interpunctella (H ubner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Journal of Stored Products Research 39 (2003) 53–63
Sérgio Batista Alves; Marcos Barros de Medeiros;Marco Antônio Tamai;Rogério Biaggioni Lopes.Trofobiose e Microrganismos na Proteção de plantas. Biotecnologia Ciência & Desenvolvimento - no 21 - julho/agosto 2001.
R . W . Mankin; K . W . V ick K ; M . S . M ayer a n d J . A . C offelt. Anemotactc Response Threshold of the Indianmeal Moth Plodia interpunctella (HUBNER) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) To Its Sex Pheromone. Journal of Chemical Ecology, Vol. 6, No. 5, 1980.
Natália Alves Leite; Simone Martins Mendes; José Magid Waquil & Eliseu José Guedes Pereira O Milho Bt no Brasil: a Situação e a Evolução da Resistência de InsetosEmpresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo 2011.
Thomas Cowan & Gerhard Gries Ultraviolet and violet light: attractive orientation cues for the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella. Entomologia experimentalis et Applicata. 131: 148– 158, 2009.
Zenobia Lewis; Anne Lizé; , Nina Wedell. The interplay between different stages of reproduction in males of the moth Plodia interpunctella. Animal Behaviour 86 (2013) 917- 922
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