Direito à moradia medida provisória 759 de 2016 e o usucapião como instrumentos para garantia do direito à moradia digna



The present article aims to analyze the legislative advances regarding the obligation of the State to guarantee the right to decent housing, or even facilitates access to this right. It aims to reflect on some of the instruments that make possible the regularization of ownership of real estate. This article will focus on the analysis of Provisional Measure No. 759 of 2016 and Usucapião, the innovations and the possibilities brought by MP 759 of 2016. A method of critical analysis of the Constitutional text, of the infraconstitutional laws and defenses in masters related to the theme.


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How to Cite

Silva Junior, P. A. M. e ., Carneiro, R. T., Moura de Moura, M. S., & Bezerra, A. K. A. . (2021). Direito à moradia medida provisória 759 de 2016 e o usucapião como instrumentos para garantia do direito à moradia digna. Revista Brasileira De Direito E Gestão Pública, 9(2), 202–206. Retrieved from https://gvaa.com.br/revista/index.php/RDGP/article/view/9061




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