A narrativa do bibliocausto em tempos de cibercultura

conjecturas sobre a indestrutibilidade das criações intelectuais


  • Thalia Ferreira Cirilo Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido
  • Matheus Victor Sousa Soares Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Giliard Cruz Targino Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


Millenarily vilified by the dissension of the revolutionary winds of politics, the corpus of intellectual creation has been seized and scatologically reduced to ashes. The idea has been dematerialised, the persecution reaches authors and readers, indistinguishable. Through the action of the destroyers of books, memorisation occurs: the destruction of memory through the suppression of cultural signs, a typical, but not exclusive, occurrence of totalitarian bias regimes. The present work analyses the content of the narrative of the bibliocaust and its perniciousness in such a way as to demonstrate that even states that call themselves "democratic" and "by law" and that find themselves in a context of technological advances such as to seem close to the utopia of the indestructibility of cultural goods, may have subverted their values of protection and guarding of copyright works in an eagerness for control and reprimand culminating in accesses of destruction. Theoretical milestones are the reflections of Piérre Lévy on the cybercultural scene and the reformist tenor that must achieve legislation, as well as the thoughts of authors who discuss the repercussions of changes in the corpus mechanicum that project new possibilities for capturing the abstractions of the corpus misticum


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How to Cite

Ferreira Cirilo, T., Victor Sousa Soares, M., & Cruz Targino, G. (2022). A narrativa do bibliocausto em tempos de cibercultura : conjecturas sobre a indestrutibilidade das criações intelectuais. Revista Brasileira De Direito E Gestão Pública, 9(3), 370–379. Retrieved from https://gvaa.com.br/revista/index.php/RDGP/article/view/9212


