HUMIC AND FULVIC ACIDS Productivity and Sustainability Productividad y sostenibilidad

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Robson Junior Paulino
Aline Vanessa SAUER
Gonzalo Diego Peña


New times, new technologies, lack of arable land and the need to increase productivity lead to the search for ways in which we can add bio-inputs to crop management. The study was carried out in a commercial area in Sitio Pico Agudo, owned by Mr. Kazuo Tanaka, in the city of Ibaiti, Pr. In the coordinates, 50º 12' 30.37" W and 23º 45' 31" S. The results refer to 4 months and from when the plant presented the initial phase of planting; the harvest was carried out in the period of March 2022, the heights of 20 plants per plot were measured in the first leaf below flowering and the leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter (DM) total area considered (1m²) were evaluated. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with three repetitions. The treated areas at the moment of desiccation, presented an increase of 34% in productivity in relation to the control. When applied at the V4 stage, there was a 20.24% increase in productivity compared to the control. When two applications were made, being pre-planting and V4, the productivity increased by 23.15% in relation to the control. The use of humic and fulvic acids brings an increase in productivity for soy cultivation.


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How to Cite
Junior Paulino, R., Brasil, Vanessa SAUER, A., & Diego Peña, G. (2023). HUMIC AND FULVIC ACIDS Productivity and Sustainability: Productividad y sostenibilidad. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 13(1).
Author Biography

Brasil, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP- Campus Bandeirantes

Ciências Agrárias e Ambiental


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