Urban garden initiatives in small spaces
Cultivating sustainability and health in cities
Agroecology, Urban Agriculture, Urban ResilienceAbstract
Human health is intrinsically linked to the consumption of quality food from reliable and safe sources. Although large-scale production often relies on conventional methods, the growing demand for healthy foods, driven by the agroecological movement, emphasizes the importance of healthier alternatives. Urban gardening in limited spaces has become popular, ensuring the origin of food and promoting social well-being. However, it is important to improve these systems to guarantee quality and proper management of space, water, and soil. This study aims to investigate urban cultivation initiatives based on agroecological principles that positively impact sustainability, health, and food security. The literature review used the Web of Science platform with the following search parameters: (("Urban Agriculture") AND ("Cultivation in urban environments")) from 2013 to 2023. The last four years have shown a significant increase in publications on the topic. Areas such as Agronomy, Environmental Sciences, Plant Sciences, Sustainable Technology, and Environmental Studies addressed the adoption of urban cultivation techniques. There is a growing trend in Urban Studies, positively influencing mental and emotional health by reducing urban life stress. The implementation of these techniques offers a healthy food source, contributes to a more economical life, and promotes sustainability.
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