Sustainability in Future Education: Integrating Agroecology and Medicinal Plants in Schools




Biodiversity, Environmental Education, Phytotherapy, Family Farming


Agroecology is introduced as a transformative tool in education, extending beyond agricultural practices to encompass social, political, environmental, and economic issues. The integration of agroecology and medicinal plants in schools is seen as a way to promote education that inspires environmental action and responsibility. The article aims to explore the integration of agroecology and medicinal plants in schools as part of an education that fosters environmental awareness, sustainability, and knowledge about the use of medicinal plants. The research explores the richness of Brazil's genetic biodiversity, popular knowledge about medicinal plants and their potential for pharmaceutical use. It emphasizes the importance of environmental education as a transformative tool across different educational levels, highlighting the school garden as a way of involving students in preserving the environment. Agroecology is discussed as a transdisciplinary and transformative approach that promotes sustainable agri-food systems. The inclusion of medicinal plants in school gardens is considered a means to encourage meaningful learning and the formation of environmentally conscious citizens. The integration of agroecology and medicinal plants in schools is proposed as a promising initiative. Sustainable education is deemed essential for the development of environmentally aware and committed citizens. The school garden is presented as a pedagogical tool that strengthens teamwork and has the potential to raise students' awareness of environmental preservation.


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How to Cite

MEDEIROS, R. L. S. de; PEREIRA, M. B.; DINIZ, L. R. L.; COARACY, T. do N.; NASCIMENTO, M. das G. R. do; CALADO, L. L.; GOMES, G. L. B.; BATISTA, F. R. da C. Sustainability in Future Education: Integrating Agroecology and Medicinal Plants in Schools. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 5, p. 151–155, 2023. DOI: 10.18378/rvads.v18i5.10204. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.

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