Chemical composition and physical evaluations of Nile tilapia bologna with shrimp flavor
Emulsified, Fish, Crustacean, Centesimal compositionAbstract
Sin processing industries generate large amounts of waste that are truly sources of contamination to the environment when they are disposed of inappropriately. The use of these residues in the preparation of food for humans can be an alternative in obtaining a nutritious and more accessible product, in addition to adding value to the residues and increasing the profit margin of the industries. This research aimed to determine the centesimal composition, energy value and physical analysis of a mortadella made with meat mechanically separated from Nile tilapia with shrimp flavor. Three mortadella formulations with varying concentrations of aromatic shrimp flavor were analyzed and partial chemical composition analysis, energy value calculation and physical analysis were performed in appropriate equipment for each analysis. All formulations were within the standards established by current legislation in Brazil regarding chemical composition, in addition to a lower energy value than conventional mortadella sold in supermarkets. The physical analyzes met the quality standards recommended in the literature. The formulations evaluated are an alternative to add value to the waste from the processing of filleting tilapia, and can be used in the preparation of mortadella, with healthier and more nutritious characteristics.
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