Organic production on gross agricultural income: Study based on data from the 2017 agricultural census
Gross income, Analysis of covariance, Stochastic frontier analysis, Chi square analysisAbstract
The objective of the work is to study the presence of organic agriculture and/or livestock on the income of agricultural establishments registered in the 2017 agricultural census. The analysis is based on data aggregated in a municipal scale. The presence of organic production is characterized regionally through contingency tables, via chi-square and covariance analysis, taking as contextual variables: regions, income classes, area, technical assistance, cooperatives, literacy, credit and area. A stochastic production frontier is also fit and identifies, at the municipality level, the effect of factors that directly affect production (gross income) and the technical inefficiency component. The number of establishments that practice organic agriculture and/or livestock decreased from 90,498 (in 2006) to 64,690 (in 2017). The predominance of organic agriculture is in the Southeast and the smallest proportion is in the Center-West. The predominant gross income class for establishments that practice livestock and/or organic agriculture, in all regions, is the class between zero to two minimum wages. Access to credit, membership in cooperatives, the level of literacy and access to technical assistance are the main factors necessary to promote income improvement. The fundamental input factors for productive inclusion are technology and labor with technology dominance.
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