Hidromel, Embalagens alimentícias, bebidas fermentadas, qualidade de alimentosAbstract
Mead is a natural alcoholic drink made by fermenting honey and water. It is considered one of the oldest drinks in existence and has been consumed for a long time. The quality of mead can be influenced by the type of packaging used. A study was carried out at the Technological Vocational Center (CVT) of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Pombal campus, with the aim of comparing the quality of mead stored in amber glass and plastic packaging. The parameters analyzed were pH, total titratable acidity (ATT), soluble solids (°Brix) and turbidity. The results showed that the pH in the glass container was 4.2, while in the plastic container it was 4.4. The ATT was higher in the glass container (5.43 gNaOH/100g) than in the plastic container (5.38 gNaOH/100g), indicating a higher acidity of the mead in the glass container. The °Brix values were similar for the two packages, with 11 for the plastic package and 11.5 for the glass package, suggesting that the concentration of sugars was not significantly altered by the type of packaging. Turbidity was higher in the plastic container (9.2 NTU) than in the glass container (8.35 NTU). This can be attributed to the greater oxygen and light permeability of plastic packaging, which can favor the formation of undesirable compounds. In summary, the amber glass packaging showed better mead quality than the plastic packaging. This suggests that amber glass packaging is better than plastic. This suggests that amber glass packaging is more suitable for preserving this drink.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Thalison Antunes, Yanara Gomes, Kenia Alves, Astrid L´éo, Eryck Allan, Alfredina

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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