Artificial Feeding for Native Bees


  • Jefferson Gismont Correia Andrade Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Paolla Ketylly Silva Leite Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Rossino Ramos de Almeida Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • José Pereira da Silva Filho Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Maria Michele Venâncio Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Flavio Franklin Ferreira de Almeida Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Jussara Silva Dantas Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Alan Del Carlos Gomes Chaves Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Patricio Borges Maracaja Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB
  • Aline Carla de Medeiros Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB


Alinentos para abelhas, alimemtos artificiais, Proteina


Artificial feeding is a common practice in bee keeping, especially in periods of floral scarcity. In the case of native bees, feeding must be done with caution and following some recommendations to ensure the health and well-being of colonies, especially during long periods of drought, where bees may have difficulty finding enough food in nature for their needs. Maintenance, which is even possible after a division of a colony or in periods of high honey production, is important to provide food to replenish reserves. Among the artificial foods we will have: Sugar syrup: A simple and effective solution, prepared with water and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. It is important to boil water and sugar to ensure hygiene; Honey is the natural food of bees, but it must be of good quality and from the same species of bee; Pollen is essential for the development of larvae, there are specific products on the market to replace natural pollen; and Protein pastes, which are prepared with ingredients such as soy, yeast and other nutrients, and are a good option for providing proteins to bees. We will take care to avoid honey from Africanized or European bees that can transmit diseases to native bees; Corn syrup can cause digestive problems in bees. Offering the food in containers and must be placed close to the entrance of the hive, facilitating access for the bees, internal feeders installed inside the hive, generally in glass or plastic pots, in the form of a drip pan, with the following precautions, do not exceed the quantity of food, to avoid attracting ants and other insects, remove the food when the presence of bees ends, to avoid fermentation and contamination. Finally, artificial feeding should be seen as a complement to the bees' natural diet.

Author Biography

Aline Carla de Medeiros, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PPGGSA - CCTA - UFCG - Pombal - PB

Possui Licenciatura Plena em Biologia pela Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, UVA/UNAVIDA, concluído em 2008; Curso de Especialização e Educação Ambiental pelas Faculdades Integradas de Patos (FIP), concluído no ano de 2011; Mestrado em Sistemas Agroindustriais, pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande-UFCG/Pombal-PB, concluído em 2014, é Doutoranda pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Processos pela UFCG- Campina Grande/PB. Atua como pesquisadora junto ao CCTA/UFCG/GVAA- Grupo Verde de Agroecologia e Abelha-Pombal-PB (sob orientação dos professores: Prof. D. Sc. Patrício Borges Maracajá e a Prof. D. Sc. Líbia de Sousa Conrado Oliveira). 


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How to Cite

Andrade, J. G. C., Leite, P. K. S., Almeida , R. R. de, Silva Filho , J. P. da, Venâncio, M. M., Almeida, F. F. F. de, Dantas, J. S., Chaves, A. D. C. G., Maracaja, P. B., & Medeiros, A. C. de. (2024). Artificial Feeding for Native Bees. Caderno Verde De Agroecologia E Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 13(2), 32–32. Retrieved from

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