Atmospheric parameters in straw bee boxes
Abelha canudo, compostos voláteis, contaminação,, Abatmosfera da colmeiaAbstract
The high risk of pesticides to honey bees during orchard pollination is primarily caused by residues in the pollen of non-focal crops, likely from contaminated wildflowers or other sources. The stingless bee species, Scaptotrigona aff. depilis, can serve as a potential indicator of environmental contamination by pesticides due to the presence of neonicotinoids in its organism. In view of the present study, this work aims to evaluate the atmospheric characteristics in Canudo bee boxes (Scaptotrigona sp.) built with cement and compared to wooden boxes, aiming to guarantee better quality in a pollution-free environment. The study was carried out in the meliponary belonging to INSA – Instituto Nacional do Semiarid in the experimental station based in the municipality of Campina Grande – PB under 25 swarms of straw bees in 25 boxes, populated with bees where: 5 wooden boxes; 5 boxes of cement + Styrofoam. Compared to 25 boxes not populated with bees: 5 wooden boxes; 5 plastic boxes; 5 boxes of cement + Styrofoam. The variables analyzed were: PM2.5 (Particulate Matter 2.5) refers to fine particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) refers to a colorless, odorless gas that is generally derived from the breath of humans and animals. Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) refers to several common types, including benzene, toluene, styrene, formaldehyde. Temperature (ºC) and Relative Humidity (RH%). The experimental design corresponds to a Randomized Block Design (DBC), consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications with 100 readings. Boxes with cement populated with bees obtained particles with values close to 0.035µm, whereas, in boxes with wood without bees, the particles evaluated were 0.0288µm, these being the lowest values, compared to the other boxes analyzed. The bee-free cement box got 434.38 CO2 particles into the atmosphere. The cement boxes with bees and wooden boxes without bees obtained similar values for the variable, with 421.2 and 419.17 of the particles in the atmosphere. Wooden ones with bees presented levels above the indicated percentage. Boxes that had the lowest moisture content were the empty ones without swarming, the one made of wood had 59.07% and the one made of cement had 65.09%. Boxes with swarms had higher humidity values in both boxes, where the wooden box had 74.48%, while the box composed of cement had the highest percentage, 75.3%, compared to the other treatments. Boxes with swarms had higher humidity values in both boxes, where the wooden box had 74.48%, while the box composed of cement had the highest percentage, 75.3%, compared to the other treatments.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fagno Dallino Rolim, José Jefferson da Silva Nascimento, Adryele Gomes Maia, Kilmer Oliveira Soares, Francisco das Chagas Bezerra Neto, Geovergue Rodrigues de Medeiros, Thyago Araújo Gurjão, Francisco de Assys Romero da Mota Sousa, Patricio Borges Maracaja, Aline Carla de Medeiros (Autor)
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