New leaves of seven guaranazeiro cultivars were collected (April/2019), in the Amazonian municipalities Maués, Presidente Figueiredo and Manaus, in ten plants/cultivar, in each location, in three different production systems (Embrapa production system; adopted by Jayoro and integrated production system). The samples were dried in a forced ventilation oven and the extraction and quantification of caffeine, theobromine, catechin and epicatechin followed the methodology proposed by Schimpl et al. (2014) and Machado et al. (2018). A double factor ANOVA was performed without repetition. The factors were guaranazeiro cultivars and production system, with averages of cultivar repetition and production system of the guaranazeiro cultivation municipalities. There were no significant differences between cultivars for caffeine, theobromine and epicatechin contents. In turn, catechin discriminated the cultivars into three groups; cultivar BRS CG Amazonas had the highest content (2.67%), followed by BRS CG Andirá (1.60%) and the group consisting of the cultivars BRS CG Maués, BRS CG Cereçaporanga, BRS CG Luzeia, BRS CG Mundurucânia and, BRS CG Saterê, the latter five not having differed from each other. Caffeine and epicatechin showed no differences between Production Systems, whereas for theobromine the Integrated Production System had the highest content (5.71%), with Jayoro and Embrapa Production Systems second, not differing between Yes. Catechin showed a higher content in Embrapa Production System, with Integrated Production and Jayoro systems in second place, not differing from each other. This information may contribute to the understanding of preference and non-preference as mechanisms of susceptibility and resistance, respectively, of guaranazeiro genotypes in relation to insect-pests, in the herbivory process. It may also help to elucidate the preference of the fungus Colletotrichum guaranicola (anthracnose, the main disease) for young leaf leaflets.References
MACHADO, Kamilla Nunes et al. A rapid simultaneous determination of methylxanthines and proanthocyanidins in Brazilian guaraná (Paullinia cupana Kunth.). Food chemistry, v. 239, p. 180-188, 2018.
SCHIMPL, Flávia Camila et al. Molecular and biochemical characterization of caffeine synthase and purine alkaloid concentration in guarana fruit. Phytochemistry, v. 105, p. 25-36, 2014.
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