The leafless caterpillar of the passion fruit, Eueides isabella (Lepidoptera: Nymphaliade) is a pest insect that causes great damage to crops, and consequently, the yield of the plant. Its control is carried out with chemical pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment and the farmer's health, aggravating the public health problem. Aiming at a rational control of this pest, the objective of this work was to identify E. isabella sexual pheromone. The volatiles were collected from the aeration of 40 male insects (20 copulated and 20 virgins) and 40 female insects (20 copulated and 20 virgins). The characterization and identification of volatile compounds were performed by CG-FID and CG-MS. A compound was identified in the male insect (copulated and virgin) and the mated female. To confirm the structure, a co-injection with the authentic sample was made. Insects responded significantly to the compound in GC / EAD and semi-field bioassays at a concentration of 1.25 ppm (male insect) and 20 ppm (female insect). In the field was observed the natural behavior of the insects, registering that the female was attracted to the male insect and after mating other males did not approach to court her. In the semi-field bioassays a 2 µL aliquot of the compound was placed at a concentration of 1.25 ppm under the abdomen of virgin females. Moreover, although the males showed the cutting behavior and the females approached, no copulation occurred. To evaluate the aphrodisiac action, a 10-female cage was installed between a 20-male cage and a glass container with 500 µL of the 20 ppm compound to which the females were directed. Proving that the identified compound acts as antiaphrodisiac pheromone at 1.25 ppm concentration and acts antagonistically when released at higher concentrations (20 ppm), attracting the female of the species.References
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Hong-Lei Wang & Oskar Brattström & Paul M. Brakefield & Wittko Francke & Christer Löfstedt, (2014). Identification and Biosynthesis of Novel Male Specific Esters in the Wings of the Tropical Butterfly, Bicyclus martius sanaos. J Chem Ecol 40:549–559.
Mann, F.; Vanjari, S.; Rosser, N.; Mann, S.; Dasmahapatra, K.K.; Corbin, C.; Linares, M.; Pardo-Diaz, C.; Salazar, C.; Jiggins, C.; Schulz, S. (2017). The Scent Chemistry of Heliconius Wing Androconia. J Chem Ecol (2017) 43:843–857.
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