Análise do comportamento da taxa selic durante a pandemia de Covid-19

Analysis of the behavior of the selic rate during the Covid-19 pandemic



During the pandemic period, there was a slowdown in the economy, which led the government to adopt measures to facilitate credit in an attempt to heat up the domestic market, which was reflected in changes in interest rates. The objective of this article was to analyze the behavior of the Selic rate during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is a documentary research whose data was collected from the Central Bank of Brazil platform, from 2020 to 2024. It was concluded that the reduction in the Selic rate was an important measure to revive the economy in the initial period of the pandemic , especially during lockdown.


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Author Biographies

Aline Carla de Medeiros, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Licenciada em Biologia pela Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, UVA/UNAVIDA, concluído em 2008; Especialista em Educação Ambiental pelas Faculdades Integradas de Patos (FIP), concluído no ano de 2011; Mestra em Sistemas Agroindustriais, pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande-UFCG/Pombal-PB, concluído em 2014 e Doutora pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Processos da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande-UFCG em 2020. Atualmente é presidente da ONG (GVAA - Grupo Verde de Agroecologia e Abelhas) e Professora da Secretaria de Educação do Estado da Paraiba e da Secretaria Municipal de Cajazeirinhas - Paraiba - Brasil. Atuando nas áreas de: Ciencias Biológicas; Ciencias Agrarias e Ciencias Ambientais, especialmente em Agroecologia.

Patricio Borges Maracaja, UFCG - CCTA - POMBAL - PB

Agronomist from the Federal University of Paraíba, completed in (1981) and graduated in
Theology from Cenpacre (2007), he completed his doctorate (1991 - 1995) receiving the title
of Doctor of Agricultural Engineer from the Universidad de Córdoba - España in (1995)
which was validated by USP ESALQ - Piracicaba - SP in 1996 as the title of D. Sc.: Entomology
CAPES Concept 7. Worked in Extension at the Secretary of Agriculture of PB and
Sertanejo Project in Picuí - PB and Campina Grande - PB, taught at UEPB - State University of
Paraiba (Campus II Lagoa Seca - PB), at ESAM currently UFERSA - Federal University do
Semiárido in the Campus of Mossoró - RN) and retired as Full Professor at the Federal
University of Campina Grande - CCTA - Campus de Pombal - PB (ORDINANCE No. Grande - PB
. Has experience in Agronomy, with emphasis on Agroecology, working mainly on the
following subjects: Beekeeping, Meliponiculture and Native Bees. 2022 World Classification of Scientists and
University Students (BRICS) PLACEMENT: 28 from UFCG; 7667 from Brazil and 11494
from Latin America and 216,322 worldwide.



How to Cite

Souza, B. B. de, Januário, E., Medeiros, A. C. de, & Maracaja, P. B. (2024). Análise do comportamento da taxa selic durante a pandemia de Covid-19: Analysis of the behavior of the selic rate during the Covid-19 pandemic. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Administração, 12(1), 0281:0295. Retrieved from

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