The precauriosness and the dilemmas of the Protection Program for Threatened Victims and Witnesses
Victims and Witnesses is a group of measures that are taken by the Union, through Federal or State programs that seek to protect and protect people who, by collaborating with criminal proceedings or investigation, are in a situation of threat or coercion. In 1999, Federal Law No. 9,889/99 was created in Brazil, which treats and defends PROVITA and its importance, even stresses that coercion and threat can, in addition to harming an investigation, generate damage to the mental and psychological health of those who are in a victim of this situation, therefore, it is of paramount importance that a country that guarantees in its Federal Constitution the right The Brazilian Federal Constitution stresses that the State must guarantee the right to life and together with it other fundamental rights, such as safety, health and well-being, unfortunately, in some cases this is only possible with its interference, in threatening situations for example, and this interference may be to include the citizen in the Program for the Protection of Victims and Threatened Witnesses.