Characterization of green propolis produced in the southwest of São Paulo and comparation with red and green propolis from Northeast of Brazil.

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Larissa Lóren de Souza
Natan de Jesus Pimentel Filho
Beatriz Camargo Barros de Silveira Mello


Propolis is a bee product based on plants resins, bee's salivary secretions, wax and pollen. Brazilian varieties of propolis (green, red, brown) are divided 13 groups according to the chemical composition. This study aimed to determine the chemical characterization of green propolis from the Southwest of São Paulo, produce extracts, and characterize them in terms of phenolic and flavonoid compounds concentration, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Besides, the study compares the properties of green propolis from the Southwest of São Paulo with green and red propolis from the Brazilian Northeast, large producers of bee products, but not focused on propolis. It was produced ethanolic extracts, with the variables time, solvent (alcohol) concentration and temperature. The antimicrobial activity on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was determined for extracts with higher concentrations of phenolic and flavonoid compounds. The parameter insoluble residue in methanol was the only one out of the limits established by the law. Combining 40°C, alcohol 70% and 7 days were the best way to produce extracts of green propolis from southwest of São Paulo with higher concentrations of flavonoids. All propolis presented a high concentration of phenolic compounds and the DPPH sequestering ranged from 89.28% to 96.00%. Extracts with higher concentrations of flavonoid showed potential antimicrobial action on E. coli and S. aureus. In general, considering the characteristics evaluated, green propolis from the Southwest of São Paulo was superior to green and red propolis from Brazilian Northeast


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How to Cite
Lóren de Souza, L., de Jesus Pimentel Filho, N., & Camargo Barros de Silveira Mello, B. (2021). Characterization of green propolis produced in the southwest of São Paulo and comparation with red and green propolis from Northeast of Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 981–989.
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos