Monitoramento de biscoitos recheados no ano de 2019

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Viviane Iglesia


The biscuits arose at the time of Ancient Egypt and from there other types of biscuits arose, being the macaroni the first filled biscuit to be registered. In 2019, Brazil was considered in 4th place as the biggest seller of cookies in tons. Filled cookies are categorized as ultra-processed foods and are associated with unhealthy eating. Since 2011, Brazil has a Strategic Action Plan to Combat Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases that will be extended and complemented by other proposals until the year 2030. The Brazilian diet consists of a traditional diet combined with ultra-processed foods. In view of this reality, the Ministry of Health has agreed with the food industries a Sugar Reduction Plan in 6 food categories, where filled cookies are included. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present the results obtained through labeling analyzes and tests for the determination of total sugars and non-reducing carbohydrates evaluated in sucrose. Of the 25 samples analyzed, 28% were unsatisfactory in relation to the sales names, 36% presented sugar declaration in the nutritional information table and 24% had analytical results above the goal established by ABIMAPI. We conclude that food and nutrition education actions are necessary for both mothers responsible for feeding children and adolescents and encouraging the practice of physical activities and the continued monitoring of filled cookies.


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How to Cite
Iglesia, V. (2021). Monitoramento de biscoitos recheados no ano de 2019. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 421–427.
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos