Sensory analysis of guava jam added with oats

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Pedro Victor Crescêncio de Freitas
Juvêncio Olegário de Oliveira Neto
Bruno Fonsêca Feitosa
Emanuel Neto Alves de Oliveira
Érica Milô de Freitas Felipe Rocha


The objective of this work was to elaborate and sensorially analyze guava jams added with oat flour, and calculate the acceptability indexes of the products. So, two guava jams were made, being differentiated by the concentration of oat flour, named: F1 (4% oats) and F2 (8% oats). The sensory analysis was performed with 60 assessors, evaluating the sensorial acceptance of the attributes color, aroma, flavor, consistency and overall impression. With the average rate obtained, the acceptability indexes were calculated, and further the purchase intention was evaluated. From the results obtained of the sensory analysis, there were no significant differences between the scores of the attributes analyzed at the significance level of 5% (p <0.05), calculated through the Tukey test, except for the attribute flavor and purchase intention. In general, the average rate obtained corresponded to the terms “I liked it moderately” and “I liked it a lot” (7.15-8.05) and the acceptability index between the attributes was 79.44 and 89.44% for consistency and flavor, respectively, showing a satisfactory acceptance rate. For purchase intention, the averages of 4.50 and 4.00 were obtained, which correspond to the hedonic terms "certainly would buy the product" and "probably would buy the product", respectively. Guava jams with oat flour has obtained a satisfactory sensory acceptance, especially the formulation with 4% oat flour, with good prospects for market tests, considering that both products stood out with acceptability indexes above 80%.




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How to Cite
Crescêncio de Freitas, P. V. ., Olegário de Oliveira Neto, J. ., Fonsêca Feitosa, B. ., Alves de Oliveira , E. N., & de Freitas Felipe Rocha, Érica M. . (2021). Sensory analysis of guava jam added with oats. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 587–590.
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos
Author Biographies

Pedro Victor Crescêncio de Freitas, UFCG, campus Pombal-PB

Técnico em Alimentos, Graduando em Engenharia de Alimentos.

Juvêncio Olegário de Oliveira Neto, UFCG, campus Pombal-PB

Técnico em Alimentos, Graduando em Engenharia de Alimentos.

Bruno Fonsêca Feitosa, UFCG, campus Pombal-PB

Técnico em Alimentos, Graduando em Engenharia de Alimentos.

Emanuel Neto Alves de Oliveira , IFRN, campus Pau dos Ferros

Doutor em Engenharia Agricola

Érica Milô de Freitas Felipe Rocha, IFCE, campus Ubajara

Doutora em CIência e Tecnologia de Alimentos