Parâmetros de qualidade e compostos bioativos antioxidantes de sucos de uva produzidos pelos sistemas orgânico e convencional.

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Thaynara Santos
Elaine Arruda Oliveira Coringa


Whole grape juice and grape nectars are produced in several regions of Brazil and made available on the market in a large number of brands, which can present different compositions and manufacturing methods, especially with regard to the levels of antioxidant compounds. Studies have shown the association between the consumption of foods and drinks rich in phenolic compounds and the prevention of diseases. The contents of total phenolics and anthocyanins in grapes vary according to the species, variety, maturity, climatic conditions and cultivar. The quality and nutritional value of organic products, when compared to conventional products, is still not well understood for all foods produced in this way, however, there is evidence that at least for some products, organic cultivation results in better flavor and nutritional properties than the conventional equivalent. Samples of red grape juice produced by the conventional and organic system were analyzed in relation to the quality parameters provided for in Brazilian legislation and the content of antioxidant compounds (polyphenols, flavonoids). All samples analyzed, both organic and conventional, are within the parameters used by the legislation. The content of antioxidant phenolic compounds was similar in the two groups analyzed, with an average value higher than those found in the literature. As for flavonoids, one of the phenolic compounds in fruits with antioxidant capacity, it was higher in organic juices.


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How to Cite
Santos, T., & Arruda Oliveira Coringa, E. (2021). Parâmetros de qualidade e compostos bioativos antioxidantes de sucos de uva produzidos pelos sistemas orgânico e convencional. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 922–926.
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos