Levantamento e análise das principais legislações sanitárias na indústria brasileira de pescados

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Thaís Miguel
Bruno Sousa
Raquel Coelho


This study presents and discusses the main sanitary legislation on the Seafood Industry in Brazil. They serve as guide from the capture to the consumer. Fish and Fishery products have characteristics that require strict control through all their productive chain. Besides being more perishable than many animal source foods, seafood is still target of irregularities during its processing. The sanitary legislation on seafood in Brazil is the basis to quality management control in the industry, serving also as support to inspections, adding higher safety to the products produced nationally, since it requires more efficient food traceability and hygiene conditions in the several production stages. Aiming to prevent and identify irregularities, the inspection of animal source foods is a theme of considerable importance to the agricultural field and to consumers’ health. Its development follows technological and industrial developments, as well as in food safety. In this study, the documents were chronologically listed, and grouped for discussion in topics: general regulations, microbiological standards, and specific regulations.   


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How to Cite
Miguel, T., Sousa, B. ., & Coelho, R. . (2021). Levantamento e análise das principais legislações sanitárias na indústria brasileira de pescados. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 469–478. https://doi.org/10.18378/REBAGRO.V12I2.8907
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos