Elaboration and evaluation of whole wheat bread enriched with golden flaxseed flour

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rosangela maria marinho
Felipe Silva


Bread enriched with functional ingredients is attracting a high consumer demand due to its health benefits. In this sense, the present study aimed to develop a whole wheat bread enriched with golden flaxseed flour and to evaluate its specific volume according to the time of fermentation. Three different bread formulations were prepared: F1, F2 and F3 using amounts of 0%, 1.77% and 3.55% of golden flaxseed flour respectively, in three different fermentation times: 40, 60 and 80 minutes. The specific volume of the samples was determined in triplicate and then, statistical analysis was performed regarding the mean, standard deviation, and analysis of variance, using the Tukey test at a significance level of 5%. The specific volume of the breads developed showed significant differences (p> 0.05) only for the F3 formulation, which contained the largest amount of golden flaxseed flour (3.55%), thus, it was observed that the specific volume decreased with the increase replacing wheat flour with golden flaxseed flour. For the fermentation time, there were no significant differences (p <0.05) between the samples. The data obtained showed that it is possible to prepare whole wheat bread enriched with golden flaxseed flour, and it was observed that the highest percentage of substitution of wheat flour for golden flaxseed flour influenced the specific volume of the breads. However, this substitution did not influence the fermentation time of the formulations.



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How to Cite
marinho, rosangela maria, Silva, F., AMARAL, S., DANTAS, B. ., & MORAES, A. C. (2021). Elaboration and evaluation of whole wheat bread enriched with golden flaxseed flour. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 816–820. https://doi.org/10.18378/REBAGRO.V12I2.8946
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos