MADNESS AND POWER: normative and legislative production on mental health in Brazil as an expression of relations of domination and disputes of interests of jurists and psychiatrists from the 19th century
The present research aimed to analyze the issue of madness within the scope of laws throughout history, in order to understand how the normative and legislative production mentioned within the matter reflected in a concentration camp in the disputes of interests and in the games of power of dominant groups. In this sense, a discussion began with an exposition regarding the legislation in Brazil regarding mental health, highlighting it is main aspects and norms. Soon after, was started to investigate the creation of judicial insane asylums in Brazil and how foreign theories contributed to the emergence and spread of such institutions in the national territory. In addition, it also dealt with the progressive of insane asylum institutions and psychiatric reform in Brazil. Finally, it is evident that the analysis of norms referring to mental health throughout the 19th century to the present day are able to demonstrate one of interests between psychiatrists and jurists, as well as the clashes, the fields of knowledge of law and psychiatry, for the exercise of influence, power and control over the crazy's bodies.
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Esta é uma revista de acesso livre, onde, utiliza o termo de cessão seguindo a lei nº 9.610/1998, que altera, atualiza e consolida a legislação sobre direitos autorais no Brasil.
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