Qualidade e composição do leite: Raças Holandesa e Jersey

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Amanda Rickes Crochemore
Giniani Carla Dors
Patrícia da Silva Nascente


The aim of this work was to evaluate and compare the quality of the milk produced in two properties, one in the interior of the municipality of Pelotas (RS) with Dutch cattle and another in the interior of the municipality of Capão do Leão (RS) with Jersey breed. Samples of chilled raw milk were collected monthly from February 2017 to January 2018, totalling 24 samples. The levels of fat and protein, somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacterial count (TBC) were determined according to the international methods of the International Dairy Federation (IDF, International Dairy Federation). The data were evaluated by analysis of variance and the means compared by the Tukey test (p> 0.05), using the statistical program Statistic version 7.0. All samples collected had fat content above 3% and only one sample had a protein content below 2.9%. The Jersey breed had the highest levels of fat and protein. The highest levels of fat and protein were obtained in the coldest seasons. The average annual value of SCC and TBC for the Jersey breed were below the limits recommended by IN 76, while for the Dutch breed they were above. Therefore, it is important to carry out monthly and individual monitoring of  cows , because through this practice it is possible to identify the animals that are impairing the quality of the milk composition, as well as to detect their healthiness and to identify if the good practices are being effective.


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How to Cite
Rickes Crochemore, A., Dors, G. C., & da Silva Nascente, P. (2021). Qualidade e composição do leite: Raças Holandesa e Jersey . Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 217–226. https://doi.org/10.18378/REBAGRO.V12I2.8814
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos

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