Agentes naturais no controle oxidativo de manteiga de garrafa: Inovação e promoção de saúde

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Keliane da Silva maia
João Vitor Fonseca Feitoza
Jean Berg Alves da Silva


Because of its lipid richness, bottle butter is highly susceptible to oxidative deterioration, giving rise to stability problems. Therefore, the use of natural agents becomes an alternative to control the deterioration of fatty foods, delaying oxidation. The use of natural products extends the useful life of the food, acting as a preservative and antioxidant, and can also provide flavor and aroma to fatty products, in addition to improving their nutritional quality. With this, we sought to gather information from scientific studies on the use of natural agents in the production of bottle butter and similar products, contributing to access to information in the area.


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How to Cite
da Silva maia, K., Fonseca Feitoza, J. V. ., & Alves da Silva, J. B. (2021). Agentes naturais no controle oxidativo de manteiga de garrafa: Inovação e promoção de saúde. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 152–157.
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos

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