Estabilidade físico-química de gelados comestíveis com pólen apícola armazenados sob congelamento

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Mychelle De Lira De Lira Andrade
João Vitor Fonseca Feioza
Jeniffer Viviany Dos Santos Fonseca
Bruno Raniere Lins de Albuquerque Meireles
Mônica Tejo Cavalcanti


Bee pollen contains a high variety of bioactive compounds, being a source of polyphenolic substances, such as flavonoids, which can act as natural antioxidants that are free radical scumrifies that are harmful to human health. Much of the population seeks a healthier life based on a balanced diet, seeking to consume protein foods with low calories. The insertion of bee pollen in edible ice cream scans may be a viable alternative for the development of a new product with functional appeal, with this objective was to develop edible ice cream with the addition of bee pollen, evaluating its physicochemical stability under frozen storage for 30 days. Edible ice cream scans were evaluated for their moisture content, ash, protein and water activity on day 0 of storage. During days 0, 7, 15 and 30 days of freezing, total soluble solids (°Brix) and total titratable acidity, vitamin C, flavonoids and anthocyanins were determined. During frozen storage, the addition of bee pollen in edible ice cream caused significant changes (p<0.05) in all parameters evaluated. In a general analysis, the most significant changes in the results were from the seventh day of storage, except only for vitamin C, which remained in constant decline soon after day 0. Therefore, the strategy of using bee pollen in the preparation of edible ice cream promoted a good physicochemical stability during frozen storage for 30 days, and may be a viable alternative for the development of a new product.


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How to Cite
De Lira Andrade, M. D. L., Fonseca Feioza, J. V., Dos Santos Fonseca, J. V., Lins de Albuquerque Meireles, B. R., & Tejo Cavalcanti, M. (2021). Estabilidade físico-química de gelados comestíveis com pólen apícola armazenados sob congelamento. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 603–609.
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos