Secagem e avaliação de laranja Citrus sinensis em estufa e micro-ondas

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Glaciela Cristina Rodrigues Da Silva Scherer
Janine Martinazzo
Patr´ícia Inês Kemper Back
Daiane Karina Grellmann
Scheila Andrieli Silveira Bones
Scheila Andrieli Silveira Bones


Drying is a process that aims to reduce the water content of fruits through evaporation. The dehydration of food consists of increasing the shelf life and the shelf life of the product, and the microorganisms that cause the deterioration of food cannot grow and multiply in the absence of water. The drying of the orange (Citrus sinensis) took place in an oven and microwave, with subsequent evaluation of the rehydration capacity. The treatments were dehydrated in a microwave and oven with forced circulation at 60 °C and 80 °C. Results show that the initial water losses were more significant in the samples submitted to the microwave, compared to the oven. Samples from drying in an 80 °C oven obtained a higher level of water loss compared to samples from a 60 °C oven. For samples prepared in the microwave, the parameters were visual quality and aroma. The greatest rehydration potential occurred in the peel treatment compared to the peel treatment, in an 80 °C oven. In the greenhouse at 60 °C, the reverse occurred, a shelled sample was less successful in rehydration. Based on the results presented, it can be concluded that all samples were within the moisture content recommended by ANVISA, which is 25%, which represents the effectiveness of the drying methods used, in addition to having a low cost.



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How to Cite
Scherer, G. C. R. D. S., Martinazzo, J. ., Back, P. I. K. ., Grellmann, D. K. ., Bones, S. A. S. ., & Bones, S. A. S. . (2021). Secagem e avaliação de laranja Citrus sinensis em estufa e micro-ondas. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 11(2), 443–448.
I Congresso Brasileiro Online em Ciência dos Alimentos