Quaternary prevention and reduction of iatrogenesis, professional care and role in public health





This article addresses the growing relevance of Quaternary Prevention and the reduction of iatrogenesis in the context of contemporary public health. In an increasingly complex medical landscape, the need to protect patients from unnecessary and potentially harmful interventions has become a priority. Iatrogenesis, defined as harm caused to the patient due to medical interventions, represents a significant challenge for healthcare systems, requiring effective prevention strategies. The main objective of this literature review was to investigate the importance of Quaternary Prevention and reducing iatrogenesis in promoting safe and humanized medical care. It also sought to understand the role of professional care and its interaction with public health practices. A comprehensive literature review was carried out using recognized databases and scientific articles published in the last twenty years. The selection criteria for the articles included relevance to the topic, methodological quality and significant contribution to the field of public health. The results obtained indicate that Quaternary Prevention is a valuable tool in preventing iatrogenic damage, promoting a more ethical and patient-centered medicine. Iatrogenesis, in turn, was identified as a growing concern, with significant implications for the quality of care and public trust in health systems. The review also highlighted the importance of professional care in promoting safe and effective medical practices, as well as its interaction with public health policies and strategies.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. O., Torres, L. C. B., Pére, I. S. A., & Alvarenga, J. V. (2023). Quaternary prevention and reduction of iatrogenesis, professional care and role in public health. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(3), 625–632. https://doi.org/10.18378/rebes.v13i3.10127




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